1+1 EA for maximising a pseudoboolean function

This tutorial showcases how to use the built-in 1+1 Evolutionary Algorithm (EA).

First, we import our modules like so:

using EvoLP
using OrderedCollections
using Statistics

For this example, we will use the onemax test function, which is already included in EvoLP:

@doc onemax

The OneMax function returns the sum of the individual. For an individual of length $n$, maximum is achieved with $n$ ones.

$\text{OneMax}(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i$

In an EA we use vectors as individuals. The 1+1 EA features 1 parent and 1 offspring each iteration.

Let's start creating the first individual. We can generate it manually, or use a generator. Let's do the latter:

@doc binary_vector_pop
binary_vector_pop(n, l; rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)

Generate a population of n vector binary individuals, each of length l.

It is important to note that the return value of the binary_vector_pop generator is a population: a list. This means we only want the first (and only) element inside:

ind_size = 15
firstborn = binary_vector_pop(1, ind_size)[1]
15-element BitVector:

Since the 1+1 EA works on a single individual, we only have the mutation step. We can set up the appropriate mutation operator: BitwiseMutator.

@doc BitwiseMutator

Bitwise mutation with probability λ of flipping each bit.

This mutation operator needs a probability $\lambda$ for flipping each bit, so we pass it like so:

Mut = BitwiseMutator(1/ind_size)

Now on to the fitness function. Since EvoLP is built for minimisation, in order to do maximisation we need to optimise for the negative of OneMax:

f(x) = -onemax(x)
f (generic function with 1 method)

Let's use the Logbook to record the fitness value on each iteration. We can do so by the Base.identity function as it will return the same value as the fitness:

statnames = ["fit"]
callables = [identity]
thedict = LittleDict(statnames, callables)
logbook = Logbook(thedict)
Logbook(LittleDict{AbstractString, Function, Vector{AbstractString}, Vector{Function}}("fit" => identity), NamedTuple{(:fit,)}[])

We are now ready to use the oneplusone built-in algorithm:

@doc oneplusone
oneplusone(f::Function, ind, k_max, M)
oneplusone(logger::Logbook, f::Function, ind, k_max, M)

1+1 EA algorithm.


  • f: Objective function to minimise
  • ind: Individual to start the evolution
  • k_max: Maximum number of iterations
  • M::Mutator: A mutation method. See mutation.

Returns a Result.

result = oneplusone(logbook, f, firstborn, 50, Mut);

The output was suppressed so that we can analyse each part of the result separately using the Result functions:

@show optimum(result)
@show optimizer(result)
@show iterations(result)
@show f_calls(result)
optimum(result) = -15
optimizer(result) = Bool[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
iterations(result) = 50
f_calls(result) = 102

We can also take a look at the logbook records and see how the statistics changed throughout the run (although in this case we just logged the fitness):

first(logbook.records, 20)
20-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:fit,)}}:
    (fit = [-7],)
    (fit = [-7],)
    (fit = [-8],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-9],)
    (fit = [-10],)
    (fit = [-10],)
    (fit = [-10],)
    (fit = [-10],)
    (fit = [-11],)
    (fit = [-11],)
    (fit = [-11],)