Generational GA for continuous optimisation
This tutorial details how to use the built-in Genetic Algorithm (GA) on a continuous test function.
We start by importing EvoLP. We will compute some statistics using the Logbook
so we need some additional modules as well:
using Statistics
using EvoLP
using OrderedCollections
For this example we will use the Rosenbrock function, which is already included as a benchmark function in EvoLP. We can look at the documentation like so:
@doc rosenbrock
rosenbrock(x; b=100)
The $d$-dimensional Rosenbrock banana benchmark function. With $b=100$, minimum is at $f([1, \\dots, 1]) = 0$
$f(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^{d-1} \\left[b(x_{i+1} - x_i^2)^2 + (x_i - 1)^2 \\right]$
Implementing the solution
Let's start creating the population. We can use the normal_rand_vector_pop
generator, which uses a normal distribution for initialisation:
@doc normal_rand_vector_pop
normal_rand_vector_pop(n, μ, Σ; rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG)
Generate a population of
vector individuals using a normal distribution with meansμ
and covarianceΣ
expects a vector of length l (i.e. length of an individual) whileΣ
expects an l x l matrix of covariances.
The rosenbrock
in our case is 2D, so we need a vector of 2 means, and a matrix of 2x2 covariances:
pop_size = 50
population = normal_rand_vector_pop(pop_size, [0, 0], [1 0; 0 1])
first(population, 3)
3-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
[-0.25289759101653736, 1.0150132241600427]
[-0.9053394512418402, 0.6058801355483802]
[0.5784934203305488, -0.20665678122470943]
In a GA, we have selection, crossover and mutation.
We can easily set up these operators using the built-ins provided by EvoLP. Let's use rank based selection and interpolation crossover with 0.5 as the scaling factor:
@doc InterpolationRecombinator
Interpolation crossover with scaling parameter $λ$.
S = RankBasedSelector()
C = InterpolationRecombinator(0.5)
For mutation, we can use Gaussian noise:
@doc GaussianMutator
Gaussian mutation with standard deviation
, which should be a real number.
M = GaussianMutator(0.05)
Now we can set up the Logbook
to record statistics about our run:
statnames = ["mean_eval", "max_f", "min_f", "median_f"]
fns = [mean, maximum, minimum, median]
thedict = LittleDict(statnames, fns)
thelogger = Logbook(thedict)
Logbook(LittleDict{AbstractString, Function, Vector{AbstractString}, Vector{Function}}("mean_eval" => Statistics.mean, "max_f" => maximum, "min_f" => minimum, "median_f" => Statistics.median), NamedTuple{(:mean_eval, :max_f, :min_f, :median_f)}[])
And now we're ready to use the GA
built-in algorithm:
@doc GA
GA(f::Function, population, k_max, S, C, M)
GA(logbook::Logbook, f::Function, population, k_max, S, C, M)
Generational Genetic Algorithm.
: Objective function to minimisepopulation
: a list of individuals.k_max
: maximum iterationsS::Selector
: a selection method. See selection.C::Recombinator
: a crossover method. See crossover.M::Mutator
: a mutation method. See mutation.Returns a
result = GA(thelogger, rosenbrock, population, 300, S, C, M);
The output was suppressed so that we can analyse each part of the result separately using functions instead:
@show optimum(result)
@show optimizer(result)
@show f_calls(result)
optimum(result) = 0.00015325530365919114
optimizer(result) = [0.9295343671510049, 0.9158201966396184]
f_calls(result) = 25000
(mean_eval = 0.07544433008393486, max_f = 0.43255087263181813, min_f = 0.00015325530365919114, median_f = 0.0424343220731829)
The records in the Logbook
are NamedTuples
. This makes it easier to export and analyse using DataFrames, for example:
using DataFrames
500×4 DataFrame
Row │ mean_eval max_f min_f median_f
│ Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 22.0251 406.9 0.447041 6.78992
2 │ 3.61617 36.062 0.124031 1.96466
3 │ 1.13189 3.18343 0.127583 1.07601
4 │ 0.781777 1.6644 0.309661 0.711803
5 │ 0.593735 0.935043 0.294026 0.588684
6 │ 0.527621 0.766033 0.315916 0.518089
7 │ 0.522381 0.745129 0.37027 0.527158
8 │ 0.493569 0.807639 0.275269 0.498038
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮